It is highly configurable and has many useful and some unusual features. Ization file /etc/bash. xterm is the standard terminal emulator for the X Window System. The rules for quoting of arguments is also applicable to the executable name or path of the executable program as provided.Īssuming your shell is bash, you can use its comment-line options for pointing to your different shell initialization files: -init-file fileĮxecute commands from file instead of the system wide initial‐ If an argument contains a reserved character the argument must be quoted. In WSL1, Linux uses the same IP addresses than the Windows host, then, you can access the applications using localhost or 127.0.0. You must consider the differences to access networking apps running on Windows and on Linux. Arguments are separated by a space.Īrguments may be quoted in whole. The networking subsystem in WSL2 is different than the used in WSL1.

The name or path of the executable program may not contain the equal sign ("=").
If no full path is provided the executable is looked up in the $PATH environment variable used by the desktop environment.

The executable program can either be specified with its full path or with the name of the executable only. A command line consists of an executable program optionally followed by one or more arguments. The Exec key must contain a command line. However, that & may not work, since the desktop specification calls for something that can be directly transformed into an execvp call: (a shell script used for setting up xterm) rather than Exec=uterm